Wet Theme

While the first version (v1.0) of my Wet theme was a re-work of Ken Lesters marvellous „Ken32“ images this upload consists of a entire new image set, designed (more or less) from the scratch. Furthermore a new banner picture is included.


Just copy the drawer „cha05e90“ to your Wet drawer and adjust Wet’s icon tooltype to THEME=cha05e90. That’s it.


• Big thanks to Chris Young for Wet and everything else he does for our community.
• Big thanks to Ken Lester and Martin ‚mason‘ Merz, whose great art work furnished as „raw material“ for my images.
• Thanks goes to PEB and his Icon Editor.
• Other used software: ArtEffect4, fxPaint2.


1.0 (21. July 2010)
• initial release.

2.0 (24. November 2010)
• complete new and expanded image set.

2.1 (05. December 2010)
• minor corrections (i.e. mini icon positions).

2.2 (21. December 2010 – only available as exclusive part of the Wet software package)
• additional (mini) icons (moon, wind, night), bug fixes.

Download (Version 2.1)

Here, AmigaLook or from OS4Depot.