Icons 2010-2

This is the second release of new and re-worked icons fitting to the official OS4.1 Update 1 look (64×64 pixel 32Bit).

Included are new

• drawer icons (i.e. Upload, Database (files), MakeCD, DigitaOffice …),
• dock(y) icons (i.e. def_office_dock, def_disk_dock, Winbar, rNetmon …),
• full package iconsets incl. drawer icons (i.e. SuperView5, Envoy, AmiBlitz, Real3D, Monzoom, Turbocalc, ImageFX …),
• single application icons incl. drawer icons (i.e. ignition, A2PS, HD-Rec, PersonalPaint, Antiword, RunInUAE …),
• special start script icons for AmiCygnix applications (i.e. Gnumeric, AAMP, Abiword, …),
• complete AmiFIG.os4 icon and button image package*,
• complete Wet package icons (application, drawer, project and new 64×64 pixel weather icon theme)**.

While being far away from real „artwork“, my icons might nevertheless be useful enough for other people, too.

* already published here: [OS4Depot: graphics/edit/amifig.lha]
** already published here: [OS4Depot: utility/workbench/cha05e90_wet_theme.lha]


• Big thanks to Martin ‚mason‘ Merz and Ken Lester, whose great art work apparently furnished as „raw material“ for my icons.
• Thanks to Patrick ‚PatBest‘ Jung, whose work for MorphOS gave me some inspirations.
• To many to mention free sources for (icon) artwork, often derived from Linux desktop environments.
• Thanks goes to PEB and his PNG_Icon_Editor (and a new tool and „icon bug fixing“ ;-)).
• Other used software: ArtEffect4, Photogenics5, SuperView5.

Special Acknowledgement

This second icon package was a real Amiga Team Effort! Started on my SAM440ep/OS4.1, continued on my A2000/040/OS3.9 and finished on my PegasosII/G4/OS4.1. I love’em all… 😉

(…and it was indeed a challenge to find the appropriate software packages for my OS3.9 machine. But to my own surprise Andreas R. Kleinert’s underestimated SuperView5 program and library assembly featured all functionality to process PNG pictures I needed. Thumbs up!)


1.0 (10. Sept. 2010)
• initial release.


Here, AmigaLook or from OS4Depot.