Icons 2010-3

This is the third release of new and re-worked icons fitting to the official OS4.1 Update 1 look (64×64 pixel 32Bit).

Included are new

• def_icons (more than 90 new and/or updated default icons),
• drawer icons (Colour Drawers, Ghostscript, …),
• single application icons (Tablet, ConFont, Uninstall, WBMakeLink, Scout, …),
• full package icon sets (PageStream4, STFax, AmigaWriter, StarAm Plan …),
• some games drawer and executable icons (UFO:AI, Freespace, …),
• new AISS derived tool bar for PicShow, alpha’d tool bar for AmiFIG.os4, slightly updated Wet Theme Version 2.*

*already published here: [OS4Depot: file=utility/workbench/cha05e90_wet_theme.lha]


• Big thanks to Martin ‚mason‘ Merz and Ken Lester, whose great art work apparently furnished as „raw material“ for my icons.
• To many to mention free sources for (icon) artwork, often derived from Linux desktop environments.
• Thanks goes to PEB and his IconEditor.
• Other used software: ArtEffect4, fxPaint2, PerfectPaint.


1.0 (21. December 2010)
• initial release.


Here, AmigaLook or from OS4Depot.