Software Migration from 3.9 to 4.1

AmigaWorld Essential Snapshot Every now and then new users of AmigaOS 4.x systems are somewhat lost when it comes to the migration of their old AmigaOS 3.x software. Beneath the famous IntuitionBase compability database there are a lot of other threads and bits and pieces all over the net for this tempting task.

My own personal migration from AmigaOS 3.9 to AmigaOS 4.1 is documented below, a rip from a thread at (Essential 68k s/w for OS4). May it be helpful for those who will follow me! 🙂

Category    Name                Version    Comment
Office      AmigaWriter         2.20       Sometimes instable, G4 vs. 440ep
Office      EqEd                0.96
Office      FinalCalc           1.04       Only non-FPU version
Office      FinalData           1.0D
Office      FinalWriter         3.0        With 030_Patch
Office      Mathscript          3.2
Office      Microgolded         8sp10
Office      PageStream
Office      Prodata             1.13
Office      Protext             6.10
Office      StarAm Plan         2.31
Office      TurboCalc           5.02D
Office      Wordworth           7.01
Image       ADPro               2.5.1
Image       ArtEffect           4.0.7
Image       ArtPro              1.20b
Image       CandyFactory        0.54b      Instable and very slow (PPC version doesn't work, only 68k)
Image       Colortype           3.1        The Kara Collection; works and usable, but corrupted button bar
Image       Cybershow           9.5a
Image       FRED                1.4.1
Image       fxPaint             2.02
Image       ImageFX_Lite        (3)
Image       ImageStudio         2.3.0
Image       Konrad              1.0.17
Image       MonumentDesigner    3.044      NoJIT, before start change FONT: assign!
Image       Morph               1.3.1
Image       PerfectPaint        2.93_6
Image       PerfectPaint        2.94       Instable, older version much better!
Image       PersonalFontsMaker  1.2
Image       PersonalPaint       7.1
Image       Photoalbum          6.6
Image       Photogenics         5.0r121
Image       PicView             2.7a
Image       SuperView5          2.70
Image       TVPaint             3.6        = 3.59
Image       XiPaint4            0.736
Image       ZoneXplorer         1.2
Render      Castillian          2.0
Render      Cinema4DPro         4.2
Render      ConFont             1.2
Render      GeoMorph            1.0 
Render      Imagine             4.0
Render      Lyap2DEM            2.1
Render      MagicLink           3.2
Render      MakePath            1.1 
Render      Monzoom             4.3.65     Sometimes (ignorable) Grim at startup
Render      Real3D              3.5
Render      TextureStudio       1.0.2      Not perfect, rendering only to disk (not in window)
Render      Viewer3             0
Render      VistaPro            3.05       Crashes on exit, needs "native" screen (SuperHighRes Interlace)
Draw        AmiFIG              3.1 
Draw        Cliptool            1.1
Draw        Convert             1.0.1 
Draw        Cycas               1.78.7
Draw        DrawStudio          1.1.0      Usable, but save your work often  
Draw        EPSLab              37.179
Draw        hp2xx               1.04
Draw        MetaView            2.9        Mostly usable, Classes > Libs
Draw        TypeSmith           2.5b
System      CanonBJC            6.52
System      CanonBJCPrefs       6.51
System      CanonStudio         2.21
System      ClassAction         4.50       Class "ASCII[]" and d&d FROM WB leads to GRIM
System      Diavolo             3.4Pro
System      Envoy               3.1
System      FormAldiHyd         2.3
System      GHelp               4.1
System      goPortscan!         1.1
System      JPEGLibraryPrefs    1.2        = jpeg.library; NoJIT
System      KingCON             1.8
System      MakeCD              3.2Dbeta12
System      MultiRen            1.69
System      NetInfo             1.36
System      NetprinterPrefs     1.14       = netprinter.device 
System      NetworkSnoop_68k    0.1
System      ReportPlus          6.49
System      ReqToolsPrefs       38.281
System      Skimmer             1.37
System      StromScreenManager  2.3
System      SweepSys            2.01
System      T1Manager           3.1        = type1.library
System      Term                4.8
System      triton.library      6.115 
System      TritonPrefs         6.2 
System      Wacom               1.50       Grims on exit.
System      xfdmaster.library   39.15      NoJIT
System      XPKMasterPrefs      1.31  
Multimedia  Amplifier           2.33 
Multimedia  MainActorBoadcast   1.04
Multimedia  MainViewerBroadcast 1.04 
Multimedia  OctaMED Soundstudio 1.03c 
Multimedia  Samplemanager       2.0  
Multimedia  Songplayer          1.62  
Multimedia  SSAPref             1.4        NoJIT
Multimedia  The Maestrix        1.2
Development AmiBlitz3           3.3  
Development AmiBlitz3           3.5beta   
Development Amiga E             3.3a  
Development AWNPipe             2.54       
Development CubicIDE            3.0
Development GoldED              8sp10
Development MurksIDE            0.6.1      (alpha) 
Development ReActor             1.1      
Development Rebol/CORE
Development Rebol/VIEW
Development StormWIZARD         2.3
Science     CDB                 1.06
Science     Graph3D             1.43
Science     MapleV              R3
Science     mathX               1.32       Sometimes with Grim, in the meantime a native version exists
Science     NomeEstOmen         0.815
Science     PetiteChimiste      2.10 
Misc        AmiAtlas            5.9
Misc        AmiAtlas6           6.53
Misc        STFax               4.1
Games       AmiJeweled (DEMO)   1.3D
Games       Foundation (RTG)    1.12
Games       Nemac4              1.100      Works, every now and then instablilty (sound!)

Please be aware of the fact that this list is only my „migration“ list. There’s a lot more OS3.x 68k software, that will work with OS4.1, but I didn’t tracked these packages, ‚cos they were „fresh“ installs (i.e. IBatch, SMBMounter, etc.).