DockSkins for TuneNet

This archive contains four TuneNet DockSkins which suit better to the „official“ look of the system and fits optically nicer into *my* utility side dock. Maybe you will find them useful, too.


  1. Copy the four drawers from „DockSkins/“ to „TuneNet/DockSkins/“.
  2. We need a font for all four skins, so copy Russel Glover’s „TuneNet/DockSkins/BlackPod/font“ to all four „TuneNet/DockSkins/cha05e90_#?“ skin drawers. Roger’s skin is part of the official TuneNet package [OS4Depot: audio/play/tunenet/tunenet.lha].


Due to the behaviour of TuneNet since version 86.66 we need Russel’s font even if the DockSkins „cha05e90_ha1f“ and „cha05e90_7iny“ don’t have any text areas…


• Thanks to Paul Heams for the extraordinary application.
• Thanks to Russel Glover for his nice DockSkins, which were inspiring (and of course for his #?Pod font, that is used with my skins, too).
• Martin ‚mason‘ Merz, whose great art work furnished as „raw material“ for this skins.


1.0 (08. Jan. 2010)
• initial release.

1.1 (14. Jan. 2010)
• edited typos.

1.2 (01. Apr. 2010)
• added new, bigger skin – nicer suited for bigger OS4.1 Update 1 icon style.


Here, AmigaLook or from OS4Depot.