While doing icon artwork for AmigaOS 4.1 I remembered that I already did this kind of job some 15 (!) years ago, started shortly after the publication of Nicola Salmoria’s famous „NewIcon“-Patch. After digging through some old 100 MB ZIP-Disks I finally found my old stuff. This icons were never published, because at some time AmigaOS 3.5 hitted the shelves and the GlowIcon style was the new law. So I thought nobody would be interested in my NewIcon-styled stuff (which, btw, is heavily based on the isometric icon style of the 90’s SGI Irix vector icons).
And here comes the original readme text from ca. 1995:
Frank’s New Icons
These are some (> 220) new icons for the NewIcon system by Nicola Salmoria. Unfortunately Roger McVey, the supplier of the original new icons, do not seem to have programs that I have (or vice versa …), so I created some more. A lot of them are combinations of Roger’s original release, some are really new, some look very good, some don’t … If you like them … use them!
If you see nothing but little pixel icons, go out and get it. (the NewIcon system, of course: [Aminet: util/wb/NewIcons46]) All these icons use the NewIcon standard palette, so you only have to use the CopyNewIcon tool to paste them over an old icon.
If you really gonna use some of my icons … I’ll be happy! And, of course, I have to acknowledge Nicola Salmoria and Roger McVey for their original release (and something that looks and feels better than MWB …)
Have fun and enjoy it!