In 2005 ‚herewegoagain‚ published three red themed backdrop artworks for the original AmigaOne series of systems at I really liked that design, but couldn’t really use them, ‚cos I have no AmigaOne.
In the last weeks I did some variants of this backdrops for all current AmigaOS 4.1 capable systems – each with it’s own colour scheme and in two dimensions (1280×1024 and 1600×900).
Bonus: Users of Amiga 2000 systems with Blizzard accelerator cards will find something in this archive as well… 😉
• Big thanks to ‚herewegoagain‘ for his original artwork, don’t miss his AmigaOne series of backdrops: AmigaOne SE, AmigaOne XE, µAmigaOne.
• Used software: ArtEffect4, Photogenics5, fxPaint2, CandyFactoryPro, ArtPro.
1.0 (22. April 2012)
• initial release